Welcome to Psychiatryof Boulder

Practice Areas
Dr. Wenokor strives to help his patients achieve a functional and fulfilling life.
Psychiatric Evaluation
Patients who come to see Dr. Wenokor will undergo a comprehensive Evaluation, usually lasting 60 to 80 minutes, to determine which problems may affect them. He will discuss treatment options and recommend an appropriate course of treatment with options such as medication, psychotherapy, and lifestyle changes such as meditation, exercise, etc. Follow up appointments will be scheduled as appropriate to reassess and further treatment goals.
Additionally, he may recommend a separate sleep evaluation if an underlying sleep disorder, such as apnea, is suspected.
When warranted, Dr. Wenokor will attempt to coordinate treatment with other providers who are part of the overall treatment team like therapists, primary care doctors, specialists, family members.
Psychotherapy is the process of facilitating change in behavior and emotions through visits with the physician. Dr. Wenokor has been practicing psychotherapy for over 30 years. The general orientation for therapy is using Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, looking at the relationship between what we think and what we believe.. He works with late adolescents, young adults, adults and the elderly both individuals and families.
He believes that in most cases, treatment is most effective when there is a support system to aid in the healing process. This support system can be family, spouses, coaches, and friends.
The judicious use of medication is an important component in the treatment of many people with mental health issues. Dr. Wenokor believes that prescribing medication should be seen as a partnership between doctor and patient. He has learned, over years in practice, that finding the best medications is a process that involves open dialogue between doctor and patient and medication (diagnosis) should be discussed as well as all other options for possible treatment.
Healthy sleep is an integral part of our emotional and mental health. Sleep issues and mental health issues go hand in hand. There is clearly a bidirectional relationship between sleep issues and mental health issues It is for this reason that Dr. Wenokor developed a special interest in sleep and its relationship with psychiatric issues, and went on to pursue a subspecialty certification in Sleep Medicine. He is the only psychiatrist in the Boulder area with this certification.
In addition to his psychiatric practice Dr. Wenokor has a separate practice for Sleep Medicine in which he evaluates and treats problems such as Insomnia, Apnea, Narcolepsy and other disorders.
We live in a fast paced, high stress 24/7 society where a healthy balanced lifestyle is difficult to achieve. Dr. Wenokor helps his patients look for ways to find balance in everyday life. Looking at a healthy work/life balance, the place of relationships, schedules, recreation, relaxation, diet, exercise and spirituality in one’s life.
Taking a holistic perspective may encourage patients to learn relaxation skills, work on a healthier sleep/wake schedule as well as a more balanced daytime schedule. Start considering meditation, develop an exercise program and explore nutritional changes as some of the available options that may help with balance.